Global CCS Institute
Website: Global CCS Institute
♦ Japan CCS co-hosted an international conference with Global CCS Institute.
Japan-Asia CCUS Forum 2021 (October 2021)
Japan-Asia CCUS Forum 2020 (October 2020)
♦ Japan CCS hosted site visits to Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Center in conjunction with international conferences hosted by Global CCS Institute.
Site visit of Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Center in conjunction with Japan CCS Forum 2019 (June 2019)
Site visit of Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Center in conjunction with Japan CCS Forum 2018 (June 2018)
♦ Japan CCS presented at international conferences hosted by Global CCS Institute.
Japan CCS presented at COP25 China Pavilion Side Event (Madrid, Spain, December 2019)
Japan CCS presented at APAC CCS Forum 2019 (Brisbane, Australia, May 2019)
Japan CCS presented at COP24 China Pavilion Side Event (Katowice, Poland, December 2018)
Japan CCS presented at CCUS Forum 2018 (Beijing, China, September 2018)
Japan CCS presented at APAC CCS Forum 2018 (Shanghai, China, May 2018)
♦ Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Projects mentioned in Global CCS Institute publications.
・Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project is featured in the publication “State of the Art: CCS Technologies 2023” on P212~215 (August 2023).
・Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project is featured in the publication “State of the Art: CCS Technologies 2022” on P132~136 (May 2022).
・Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project was designated as a “notable project” (June 2016)
・In The Global Status of CCS 2016 Summary Report, a panoramic photo of Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Center was featured on the front cover, and the Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project was mentioned in “Key CCS projects in the industrial sector launched in 2016” and “CCS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH” (October 2016)
・At the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) in Katowice, Poland on December 11, 2018, the Global CCS Institute released its flagship report “Global CCS Report 2018” in a well-attended media conference. The annual report documents the current status of CCS around the world and significant operational milestones over the past 12 months. The report includes a message from Tomakomai Mayor Iwakura which was delivered worldwide. (COP24, December 2018)