A message from Mr. Hirofumi Iwakura, Tomakomai Mayor – Regarding the achievement of 300,000 tonnes of cumulative CO2 injection in the Tomakomai large-scale CCS Demonstration Project (November 25, 2019)

A message from Mr. Hirofumi, Iwakura, Tomakomai Mayor
Regarding the achievement of 300,000 tonnes of cumulative CO2 injection in the Tomakomai large-scale CCS Demonstration Project (November 25, 2019)
Today, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), and Japan CCS Co., Ltd. (JCCS) announced that on November 22, 2019, the Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project achieved the initial target of 300,000 tonnes of cumulative CO2 injection.
CCS is an important technology as a countermeasure against global warming.
The smooth and faultless operation of the project to this day would not have been possible without the united efforts of the stakeholders, including METI, NEDO, and Japan CCS – the implementers of the project, as well as locally, the fishery cooperatives, industries and organizations, who under the understanding of the residents of Tomakomai, provided their tireless efforts. I am extremely pleased to hear this announcement.
The Tomakomai Project is the first large-scale CCS demonstration project in Japan, and the data and knowledge acquired is certain to play an important role in advancing CCS in Japan. Tomakomai City will continue supporting this project, with the aim of nurturing understanding for CCS in our region and consciousness of our environment, in order that Tomakomai may play a leading role towards the establishment of a lowcarbon society where the global environment and a thriving local economy can co-exist.
Source: Message from Tomakomai Mayor Hirofumi Iwakura: Regarding the achievement of 300k tonnes of cumulative CO2 injection in the Tomakomai large-scale CCS Demonstration Project (November 25, 2019), Tomakomai City website. The English version is a translation of the original message in Japanese, translated by JCCS, Courtesy of Tomakomai City