Japan CCS Co., Ltd. presented at Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF).

Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF), organized by Asian Development Bank (ADB), is one of Asia’s leading clean energy events and held annually. It connects diverse stakeholders from across Asia and the globe, facilitates knowledge sharing, and highlights ADB’s groundbreaking work to scale up clean energy investment in the region. This year, it was held virtually on June 15-19, 2020, and various sessions and side events were held focusing to drive change towards a more sustainable energy future.
On June 19, “Deep Dive Workshop – Enabling CCUS Implementation in Asia” was held organized by ADB, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, UK Government (BEIS).
The session showcased that an important driver for mass deployment of CCUS is reducing costs, which can be achieved through knowledge sharing, scaling-up, and technology innovation, and that the way to accelerate commercial implementation of CCUS projects.
Moderated by METI, 3 presentations on CCS/CCU in Japan were made by the Japanese companies – Japan CCS Co., Ltd. (JCCS), Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Ltd. (MHPS), and INPEX Corporation, followed by a panel discussion by the panelists from Asian countries – Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and India.
JCCS made a presentation entitled “Experience of Tomakomai CCS Project”.
Click here to see the movie of the session.
Click here for the full agenda.