Japan CCS presented at international conferences.
Japan CCS has been taking the opportunity to present at virtual international conferences, webinars and workshops, in order to share the knowledge and experiences of the Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project to the international community.
Below are the virtual conferences in which we presented in December 2021:
■ Abu Dhabi-Japan Workshop for Energy Policy and Power Technologies
On December 13, Japan CCS presented at Abu Dhabi-Japan Workshop for Energy Policy and Power Technologies, with a presentation entitled “CCS/CCUS in Japan”. The workshop was hosted by Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME) and Abu Dhabi Department of Energy (DoE).
■ Webinar on Role of CCT and CCS Towards Energy Transition and Low Carbon Economy
On December 14, Japan CCS presented at Webinar on Role of CCT and CCS Towards Energy Transition and Low Carbon Economy, with a presentation entitled “Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project and Opportunity for CCS in ASEAN Region”. The webinar was hosted by ASEAN Centre for Energy.
■ CUUTE-1 (The First Symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for the Global Environment)
On December 15, Japan CCS presented at CUUTE-1 in CO2 capture/separation Session B1, with a talk entitled “Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project – Key Results and Future Outlook”. The symposium was organized by the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, ISU, and co-organized by the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan.