Japan CCS President Nakajima gave a speech at the 2nd Symposium of Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay on July 4.

The 2nd Symposium of Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay (abbreviated as “Zero Emi Bay”)* was held on July 4, 2022. Toshiaki Nakajima, President of Japan CCS gave a speech entitled “Demonstration Project around Tomakomai aiming towards Carbon neutrality”, and afterwards participated in a panel discussion, “Challenges and actions to achieve a Carbon-Neutral Society”.
The symposium had attracted a lot of attention even before it was held, and about 100 people attended in-person and about 700 people participated in the live-streaming via YouTube. The first part of the symposium featured expert lectures from industry, academia, and government. The second part was a panel discussion covering a broad range of topics, including cooperation among R&D centers, social implementation, legislation, and concrete prospects for the future, and the audience listened intently to the heated discussion.
*Based on the recommendation of the Japanese government’s “Environment Innovation Strategy” (formulated by the Integrated Innovation Strategy Council on January 21, 2020), “Zero Emi Bay” was established by industry-academia-government cooperation with the aim of making Tokyo Bay an innovation area on zero-emission technology.
For more details of Zero Emi Bay, click here.