Japan CCS Co., Ltd. presented at COP24.

Japan CCS Co., Ltd. presented CCS Demonstration Projects in Japan at China Pavilion at COP24.
On December 7, 2018, Yoshihiro Sawada, Corporate Adviser, General Manager of International Relations Dept. of Japan CCS Co., Ltd. presented CCS Demonstration Projects in Japan at a side event of China Pavilion at COP24 held in Katwice, Poland.
Japan CCS Co., Ltd. co-organized International Workshop on CCS at the side event of Japan Pavilion at COP24.
On December 12, 2018, Japan CCS Co., Ltd. co-organized International Workshop on CCS at the side event of Japan Pavilion at COP24 held in Katwice, Poland.
The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, co-organized by Ministry of the Environment as well as Japan CCS Co., Ltd. with the theme of “Changing our future with CCS!”.
Moderated by Mr. Antonios Papaspiropoulos, Global CCS Institute, Global Lead – Advocacy and Communications, Mr. John Scowcroft, Global CCS Institute, Executive Adviser – Europe, Mr. Tim Dixon, IEAGHG, Programme Manager, Mr. Kensuke Suzuki, Strategic Marketing & Business Development Dept.,Thermal & Hydro Power Systems Div., Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Senior Manager, Mr. Yukihiro Kawaguchi, Global Environment Partnership Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Director, and Jiro Tanaka, Japan CCS Co., Ltd., Associate General Manager of International Relations Dept., presented as speakers.
(Reference: COP24 Japan Pavilion)